


Big Boys Burger Sauce:

Vegan Buns:

  • Strong Flour 500.0 g
  • Water 300.0 ml
  • Yeast 14.0 g
  • Coconut Oil 20.0 g
  • Agave Syrup 25g
  • Salt 5.0 g
  • Soya Milk (unsweetened) 30.0 ml
  • Poppy seeds 5.0 g
  • Sesame seeds 5.0 g

Inspired by Californian burger restaurant In ‘n’ Out. A plant based burger cooked animal style (in mustard). Loaded with cheese, our Big Boys burger sauce made of course with HELLMANN's and a homemade vegan bun. They taste amazing.



  1. Big Boys Burger Sauce:

    • Finely chop Onions and gherkins.
    • Mix together with HELLMANN's Vegan Mayo, Tomato Ketchup and English Mustard.
  2. Vegan Buns:

    • Mix warm water with yeast ( this will help to get the yeast working). Put the rest of the bun ingredients into the mixer and slowly add the yeast mixture. Once you have a smooth mixture you want to cling film and leave in a warm place to prove and let it double in size.
    • While the dough is proving make the glaze by heating up the soya milk and agave syrup.
    • Once the dough has doubled in size you want to knock it back. Once done you want to portion into 90g balls and roll them into a tight ball. Put them onto a tray dusted with flour and let them prove again for 20/30 mins.
    • When the second prove is done you want to glaze the buns and top with sesame seeds and poppy seeds.
    • Then bake in the oven at 200oc for 16 minutes. A top tip here is to put some ice cubes on the bottom of the oven to create some steam in the oven and a nice crust on the rolls. When cooked turn a bun over and tap the bottom of the bun for a hollow sound.
  3. Putting it all together:

    • Toast your buns on grill.
    • Brush Hellmann's American style mustard on one side of the burgers and put that side down to grill for 4 mins. Repeat the process for the other side of the burgers.
    • Once cooked melt vegan cheese over the top.
    • Smother buns in the Big Boys burger sauce.
    • Add lettuce and sliced tomato to the bottom bun base, your cheese-topped burgers, lettuce and the bun lids will finish it off.