


For the pancakes:

For the filling:

To build:

For the Port Gravy:

  • Water 500.0 ml
  • KNORR 1-2-3 GRAVY Granules for meat dishes 25ltr (as sold) 40.0 g
  • Port wine 100.0 ml
  • Redcurrant Jelly 20.0 g

To cook:



  1. For the pancakes:

    • Mix the gram flour, water and half the KNORR Bouillon together to form a smooth batter.
    • Heat the oil then pour in enough batter to cover the pan.
    • Cook until brown on both sides then set aside and repeat until all the batter is used.
  2. For the filling:

    • Peel the onions and carrots the remove the seeds from the pepper.
    • Place all the vegetables in to a robot coupe and blitz.
    • Add the chick peas, KNORR Garlic puree, KNORR Bouillon and oats.
    • Blitz again then remove.
    • Heat the oil then add the vegetable mix then gently cook for 5 minutes.
    • Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
    • Once the mix has cooled, wrap in clingfilm to form a sausage approx 8-10cm in diameter.
    • Remove the other leaves from the cabbage and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes then remove from the water, refresh then pat dry.
  3. To build:

    • Mix the soya milk, marmite and mustard together for the "egg wash".
    • Roll out the puff pastry into an rectangle.
    • In the centre of the pastry lay the pancakes then add on the cabbage leaves.
    • Unwrap the vegetable mix and place on top of the cabbage.
    • Top with additional savoy cabbage and pancake to encase the filling..
    • Cut the excess pastry from the corners then "egg wash" the pastry. Fold over one long edge then the two ends followed by the remaining long edge.Gently press the create a seal.
    • Turn over the wellington and place on to a lined baking tray.
    • Brush the top and sides with the glaze.
    • Place in to the fridge and chill for 30 minutes.
  4. For the Port Gravy:

    • Place the port in to a saucepan and bring to the boil then reduce by half.
    • Pour in the water and add the red currant jelly then bring to the boil.
    • Whisk in the KNOR Gravy then simmer for 2 minutes.
    • Remove and keep hot until needed.
  5. To cook:

    • Pre-heat oven 180c.
    • Score the pastry thenplace the wellington in to the oven
    • Bake for 40 minutesor until golden.
    • Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before slicing.