


For the sauce:

To serve:



  1. For the sauce:

    • Peel and dice the onion then place in to a blender and blitz until smooth.
    • Heat the oil the add the mustard seeds and curry leavesthen allow to crackle.
    • Pour inthe onion puree and cook for 10 minutes or until the oil starts to separate.
    • Add the KNORR Pataks Madras paste, tomato puree and water then cook until the water evaporates.
    • Add the pumpkin and “seal” in the spices for 5 minutes then pour in the coconut milk.
    • Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. To serve:

    • Pick the mint andplace into a blender along with the coriander, tamarind, KNORR Garlic puree, KNORR Ginger puree, green chillies. and water.
    • Blend until smooth.
    • Pour the coconut cream and mint puree in to the saucethen simmer for 2 minutes..
    • Remove from the heat and adjust the seasoning thenserve..