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For the almond pesto:

Prepare the black bean patties:

To cook and serve the burger:

  • plant based cream cheese 250 g
  • Seasoning (salt+pepper) 2 g
  • Vegetable oil 10 ml
  • radicchio lettuce 200 g
  • Onions 200 g
  • Burger buns - Brown 10 pc

Plant based black bean burger with almond pesto mayo and radicchio on a whole wheat bun.



  1. For the almond pesto:

    • Combine all ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth.
    • Keeprefrigerated till needed.
  2. Prepare the black bean patties:

    • Sweat the finely diced onions with vegetable oil for 5 minutes.

    • Drain the black beans, and crush gently.

    • Fold the above with the rest of the ingredients, season to taste.

    • form into 10 patties and chill till needed.

  3. To cook and serve the burger:

    • Oil& grill the sliced onion and washed raddichio leaves. Season.
    • Grill burger patties for 4 minutes each side till piping hot and top with vegan cream cheese .
    • Toast the bun and spread thealmond pesto mayo on both sides.
    • Layer the radicchio, pattie and onions.