


For The meringues::

  • Egg white 100.0 g
  • Caster sugar 200.0 g
  • Red Food Colour 1.0 ml

For the sweet pastry tart cases:

  • Butter 100.0 g
  • Icing sugar 50.0 g
  • Egg yolk 40.0 g
  • Plain flour 225.0 g

For The filling:

Add this sweet refreshing dessert to your summer menu: the classic Eton Mess, but smartened up a bit. (2 per portion)



  1. For The meringues::

    • Place the egg whites in a bowl along with the caster sugar over a bain-marie. Whisk the whites until the sugar is dissolved and the egg whites are at 37°C.
    • Remove them from the heat and whisk on a machine until firm peaks are achieved.
    • Place the red food colouring into a disposable piping bag then move it around inside the bag to create blotches of colour inside the bag.
    • Add in the egg whites and cut a small hole in the base of the bag.
    • Allow any excess food colouring to drip from the bag before you start piping.
    • Pipe onto a lined baking tray into small peaks, as the meringue comes through the bag the ripple effect to be created.
    • Bake at 130°C until the meringues are fully cooked.
  2. For the sweet pastry tart cases:

    • Cream the butter and icing sugar together until pale in colour
    • Whisk in the beaten egg yolk until the mix is smooth.
    • Gradually add the flour to the mix until a smooth paste if formed.
    • Do not overwork at this point.
    • Wrap the pastry in clingfilm, label and refrigerate until required for use allowing at least one hour to rest.
    • Roll out the pastry between two sheets of baking parchment to 5mm thick
    • Line the desired tart cases with the pastry dock the bottom with a fork.
    • Line the cases with baking parchment and fill with baking beans or rice
    • Baking in the oven at 180c for 20 minutes, remove from the oven and remove baking beans and parchment.
    • Return to oven for 5 minutes or until cooked.
  3. For The filling:

    • Place the Carte d’or Strawberry mousse mix into a mixing bowl and add the milk.
    • Whisk the mousse on a slow speed for2 minutes then increase the speed to high and whisk for a further 5 minutes.
    • Cover until required.
  4. To assemble:

    • Take the minitart cases and fill with the CARTE D'or Strawberry mousse and level off with a pallet knife. Chill in fridge for 2 hours.
    • Place the fresh strawberry quarters, and meringue kisses in a rough line from bottom right to top right.