

Advance Preparation:

  • Onionssliced thin 150.0 g
  • Chicken breast, skinlessCooked, smoked 200.0 g


Try out this delicious quiche recipe for chefs. This smoked chicken and COLMAN'S wholegrain mustard quiche will definitely impress your guests.



  1. Advance Preparation:

    • Preheat an oven 200ºC.
    • Cook the sliced onions in a pan for 15 minutes on a low heat allowing to caramelise.
    • Cool, cover, label, and refrigerate until required.
    • Cut the cooked smoked chicken into 1cm wide strips.

  2. Method

    • Roll out the pastry large enough to line a 20cm greased pastry ring. Fill the case with greaseproof paper and baking beans.
    • Place the pastry case into the oven and blind bake for 15-20 min. Remove from the oven and remove the baking beans, allow to cool slightly.
    • Mix the chicken strips with the chopped parsley.
    • Place the double cream and eggs into a bowl, mix well and add the COLMAN'S Wholegrain mustard
    • Place the cooked onions and cooked smoked chicken pieces into the pastry case then gently pour over the egg mixture. Reduce the oven to 180°C.
    • Mix the mature and smoked cheeses then sprinkle over the egg mixture. Place the quiche into the oven. Cook for 25-30 min. or until set.