


Step 1: Socca Pancakes

Step 2: BBQ Mushrooms

  • Light soy sauce 100.0 ml
  • Mirin (rice wine) 100.0 ml
  • Japanese rice vinegar 50.0 ml
  • Ultratex 5g
  • Olive oil 50.0 ml
  • Maitake Mushrooms 500.0 g
  • Fennel seeds 2.0 g
  • Cumin seeds 2.0 g
  • Smoked paprika 2.0 g
  • Onion Powder 2.0 g
  • 1g Garlic Powder
  • Kale 200.0 g
  • Water 100.0 ml
  • Sprouted Chickpeas 200.0 g



  1. Step 1: Socca Pancakes

    • Place chickpea flour and salt into a bowl then finely grate in the garlic.
    • Slowly add the water and whisk to make a smooth batter.
    • Pour the oil into small blini pans and place on to a medium heat then spoon in some of the batter.
    • Cook for 3-4 minutes on both sides or until golden and crispy.
    • Repeat until all the batter is used.
  2. Step 2: BBQ Mushrooms

    • Pour the soy sauce, mirin and rice wine into a saucepan and bring to the boil then allow to reduce by half.
    • Remove from the heat and whisk in the ultratex to create a thick glaze then allow to cool.
    • Break the mushrooms into smaller clusters then pan fry in the oil for 2-3 minutes allow to colour slightly.
    • Add the spices and kale then a slash of water and the soy glaze then allow the kale to wilt. 
    • Remove from heat.
  3. Step 3: Serve

    • Place the pancake on to a plate and top with the mushroom and kale mix then garnish with the sprouting chickpeas.