How do you pick yours? There’s so much to think about ...
What’s trending; what’s the sustainable choice; what’s in season; and what’s local? Our chef Alex has done some of the homework for you. Read on to find out more on ‘fish of the moment’ and their sustainability credentials.

Octopus is on restaurant menus everywhere and not without good cause. It’s low cost and versatile. Stew it, grill it, serve it as a starter or main. Pair it with potatoes, legumes, sausage, egg yolk confit…the list goes on.
Sourcing & sustainability
You’ll find octopus in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, eastern Portuguese waters, Gulf of Biscay and the western Mediterranean. It grows fast and quickly reproduces, so the risk of overfishing is low.
MSC-certified when caught in the right season.

Cooked and mixed in brandade, spread or pâté; smoked in a fishy Caesar salad, grilled with a lentil tabbouleh and a tangy rhubarb relish or pickled in escabeche. You name it, mackerel can take it!
Sourcing & sustainability
The full flavoured and fatty fish is found in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. Fishing is selective and with little bycatch.

The sweet, delicate meat is perfect in a gourmet fish rolls, salads, crab cakes or as a soup topping. Smoke it, cook it, steam it. Go spicy with a Cajun or Indian spice.
Sourcing & sustainability
Crab is found in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and some parts of the North Sea. It’s caught with baskets which means very selective fishing without bycatch and agitation of the soil.
MSC-certified when caught in the right season.

Razor clams
Forever popular in countries like Spain and Italy, but long undervalued in Northern European countries. Barbecue and serve with salsa verde like the Spanish, toss them in an Italian seafood pasta, prepare them Chinese-style with black bean sauce and scallions, or make an elegant broth with their liquids and serve with the clams and fresh peas.
Sourcing & sustainability
Razor clams are found in the southern North Sea.

Sardines have gone from getting a bad rap to trending. Whether grilled, baked or tinned (we’ve spotted Portuguese brands taking this tinned fish to the next level!).
Sourcing & sustainability
Sardines come in many varieties and are found in oceans all over the world, like the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean.

There are so many ways to use anchovies. Cook fresh over a wood fire or dress with breadcrumbs and garlic. Pan or deep fry in tempura for a sophisticated bar snack. Use pickled as the foundation for a pasta dish or stew or melt into beef daube or lamb stew to intensify the flavours.
Sourcing & sustainability
Anchovies are found in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. This little fish is a rapid reproducer and recovers quickly from overfishing.
MSC-certified when caught in the right season.

Gurnard is so underappreciated. Because of its firm flesh we usually toss red gurnard in soups and stews. But there are so many other ways for it to shine. This fishy fish can handle a strong pairing partner – think Sicilian caponata or stir fried cime di rapa and preserved lemon relish.
Sourcing & sustainability
Gurnard is found in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, some parts of the North Sea, Gulf of Biscay and is often bycatch. There are no official numbers of its population for now, but as there is little selective fishing, there is no risk of overfishing.