Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean sea. Its produce includes fresh olives and olive oil, wine, cheeses and an abundance of seafood, livestock, fruits and vegetables. With influences from Mediterranean Europe and north Africa, its cuisine is unique and distinctive from mainland Italy. Try their mouthwatering cannoli.

Local Expert
Carmelo Chiaramonte is a Sicilian chef with 20+ years’ experience. His gastronomic training is rooted in the eating habits of eastern Sicily but over the years he’s built up experience also abroad. For a time he was the chef at the Il Cuciniere Restaurant at Katane Palace Hotel in Catania. He also collaborates with theater projects as a gastronomic set designer and is a television author for Gambero Rosso Channel and Geo & Geo for Raitre. In this and other videos, he takes us on a culinary tour of Sicily.
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