Kyloe Restaurant and Grill

Kyloe Restaurant and Grill

Pub Location: 1-3 Rutland Street, Edinburgh

Numbers of Covers (Daily): 130-190 covers

Most Popular Dish: Steaks/ Sunday Roast

Head Chef Name: John Rotter

Number of Employees: 20

When did you know you wanted to become a chef?

When I was 16 years old, I got a job as a kitchen porter. I loved the vibe that I was surrounded by in the kitchen and so I spoke with my uncle, who was a head chef at the time. After that chat, I was certain I wanted to be a chef instead of a nurse and enrolled in catering college to begin my dream.


What’s your current philosophy when it comes to food and running your kitchen?

Our philosophy is to use great producers and showcase them e.g. Highland Wagyu, Hardiesmill and East Coast Cured.


What’s your food prep routine and how long does it take?

Prep is never-ending for us here at The Rutland, but we always start our day with a list. This is always double-checked in case anything is missed, and prioitised in order of lunch and dinner.


Portion control and food wastage is a key concern in any kitchen, how do you make sure they are balanced and managed?

Staff training is vital in this area and we spend a lot of time with the team to ensure they understand recipes and specs. We weigh our portions to ensure consistency not only for us, but for guests.


Where do your culinary inspirations come from when creating a menu?

We look at food trends when creating a menu to see what is out there and then add our own twist - whilst keeping it local.


What offers or events bring in the most punters?

Kyloe Sunday Roast is a huge hit with the city. Offering a carved roast at the table really has captured a local audience, as well as guests from afar.


What strategy do you take when up-selling?

We like to showcase items to the front of house team and let them try as much as the can, so they have the knowledge to really get behind the products.


What’s the most loved kitchen gadget you couldn’t live without?

At Kyloe, we prefer the traditional style of cooking, and therefore all we need is an oven and our grill and that keeps me happy.


How do you source your produce? do you have any tips?

As we like to keep it local, we are constantly made aware of what is going on in the city, and with suppliers trying to showcase what they have we are lucky that we are never short on options. A personal tip would be social media - I see so many things on Instagram which really help find a new product.


The most loved and challenging things about your job?

I love the team I work with - it makes the day so rewarding. The greatest challenge, but adds to the joy of this job, is the ability to change and adapt the menu as we wish. No idea is unnoticed, and we are always inspiring and getting inspiration from those around us.