Do you sell Wall’s Ice Cream? We have exciting News! Wall’s Ice cream is having a brand re-fresh and the benefit to retailers is that by adding Point of sale by your cabinet and outside your store, can help boost your ice cream sales by 77%¹.

What POS is right for your Maxivision Freezer?

Maxivision Freezer:
We have a range of Point of Sale to suite the Maxivision 12 basket and 18 Baskets Cabinets to help boost your sales.
What POS is right for your Vista Freezer?

Vista Freezers:
We have a range of Point of Sale to suite the Vista 6 Basket, 12 Basket and 18 Basket Cabinets to attract customers to buy.
How to install POS?
Checkout our video on how to place point of sales on a maxivision cabinet

Checkout our video on how to place point of sales on a Vista Cabinet